It was about a decade ago when I first heard the term "bro-job".  It was explained to me that "bro-jobs" are when two straight guy friends help each other out and give each other head.  And my first thought was - that is not a thing that happens.

It reminded me of all the circle-jerk talks I heard about in high school.  Rumors were rampant that various local sports teams did circle-jerks in the locker rooms.  And even though the rumors were about tangible teams and people that I knew, I still didn't believe it was an actual thing that happened.

As a straight male, I have never been in a situation where the act of a bro-job or circle jerks were ever brought up.  And here is some irony - I was a very artistic teen.  I was more involved with music and theatre than any kind of sports.  The gay labels were thrown at me for years, so you'd think - since everyone thought I was gay anyway - that gay experiences would arise.   But they never did.

I think it's funny that, on the surface anyway, the straightest guys in the school were the ones who were talking about these gay-adjacent acts.  Which begs the question:  did these acts even happen?

You've probably heard of the old "rainbow parties".  I say old because I'm not sure they still happen. But the point of these parties were, girls would wear different colored lipsticks, and they would give a guy head, putting that lipstick color on his dick.  The guy that had the most colors on his dick, or a "full rainbow", was the "winner".  It wasn't until years later, that I heard that these parties never actually existed.  That is was something groups made up to scare parents.  I, personally, never knew of anyone that participated in raibow parties, so which is the truth?  Did they happen, or was it an urban legend?

Which begs the question:  are bro-jobs and circle jerks just folkore, like the supposed Rainbow Parties,, designed to give straight guys something to joke about?  Or do they really happen?

So here's my question:  have YOU been involved with a bro-job or a circle jerk?  And if so, how was the subject broached?  I'm assuming it was done with someone you explicitly trusted so news of it wouldn't go beyond the two of you?  If you did a circle jerk, how was your relationships with the dudes afterwards?  Did you just move on like everything was the same, or was there some weird awkwardness?  

Ultimately, I want to know if these things really happen.  So, let me know if they're fact or fiction!
